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I had a stack of pumpkins to carve for my daughter's Halloween party last night, when I got to the last two I couldn't help myself.


Happy Halloween everyone
Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you have a lot of fun, eat lots of candy, and never gain an ounce

(awesome droid pumpkin, Roger)
(10-30-2016, 11:49 AM)Roger Booth Wrote: [ -> ]I had a stack of pumpkins to carve for my daughter's Halloween party last night, when I got to the last two I couldn't help myself.

Happy Halloween everyone

That's cool!!!
I've been not-building for a bit because of various craziness going on around here.  One of those things is a Halloween Haunted House we used to do in our house.  We didn't do it the last year (or maybe two) because it's a real pain, taking weeks to decorate and clean up.

This year Nikita wanted to do it again.  Lara started helping set it up inside, but the Real Life Monster in our house, aka: Inferno the Cat, decided that hanging things were fun to tear down.  And since he can jump about 8' that was pretty much that.  Until Lara got the idea of getting a cheapo 10x30 tent to put out front and decorate that.

That plan worked OK, and after a weekend of decorating everything was cool - until high winds Monday morning.  This is shortly after hearing a crashing sound:

I was actually confused here because I didn't realize my mother-in-law was helping to try to right the tent (which had flipped over and blown 10 feet towards the tree).

I had seen her go out the front door, which was totally blocked by a tent as far as I could tell from inside. So I went around to this end and saw a few things that shouldn't be getting wet, so I ran those in. Then I looked (inside) for her. Not seeing her I went back out, picking up my phone and taking picture.

Her reaction was something like "don't take pictures, help me flip it over!" That's when I realized she was still where I'd seen her.
total bummer. I'm really sorry to hear it went less than stellar.
(11-02-2016, 06:30 PM)savagecreature Wrote: [ -> ]total bummer. I'm really sorry to hear it went less than stellar.

In some ways it was almost better.  It was a pain to get everything figured out and set up in the house, but it worked well then, and the trick-or-treaters were happy Smile 

And Lara was pleased she got to make teenager's parents scream.