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The Many Faces of Treadwell
awesome! I'm really glad to hear that there are more droids. You're the first person to mention this one. I'm looking forward to digging up more information.
It's a nice mix. You have some newer models like BB-8 of course, plus some new-fangled mouse and cleaner droids, that blue protocol droid with the big head, and that big red guy you see for a few seconds but there's also some older models - I'm pretty sure I saw an R5-D4 and there was definitely an R4-M9.

If I see it again on Christmas I'll pay closer attention to the droids.
Hey, deathproof, did you ever get a better look at the treadwell-ish droid in The Force Awakens?  I've never been able to spot it.
(05-28-2016, 01:55 PM)savagecreature Wrote: Hey, deathproof, did you ever get a better look at the treadwell-ish droid in The Force Awakens?  I've never been able to spot it.

Finally found a site with some nice Blu Ray screen caps. (from all 7 movies)

This page has the treadwell in question:

This is about the clearest I've seen it so far, including something of a closeup of its head:

[Image: KtuUfa.jpg]

Man, I wouldn't even know where to start. I could probably find a plastic dome (if I could work out the dimensions in comparison to the stormtroopers in the scene) but I have no idea how to build the treads, the body... looks like a couple of pieces of gas tubing (for ovens, etc.) painted metallic blue wrapped around the body there but it's just too miniscule.

I think I'm better off trying to finish my WED-15 build (I think I did find a couple of those slideviewers for the eyes - and if I pick them up I might redo the head from styrene) and of course I haven't even tried the styrene R5-D4 yet.

I really need to win the lottery so I'll have the time and money to build shit.
I think I found another Treadwell (also the only Imperial Treadwell I've ever seen!).  It's in the begining of ROTJ, when Vader arrives at the Death Star.
It has the head and treads of a Treadwell, but the body is more taller, more boxy/wedge shaped.  I don't think I've seen a Treadwell with light up eyes either.  Does anyone have any info on this guy?
It's an overgrown K-9!
That's not a treadwell, but the elusive "giant mouse droid".  I was going to say something like, "it's well documented" but it's not, really, documented that well. (but it is documented!)
Good eye, though, as the best theory I've heard is that it's a treadwell that they put a shell on. (that's certainly what it looks like)

[Image: normal_giantMouseDroid.jpg]

I didn't name it or anything. It's been a topic of discussion on various forums for years.
Wow - never even noticed that one before.

Again, if anyone needs some high res images from the movie to scan/compare/take notes, etc. this site is excellent:

thousands of screenshots from the Blu Rays of all seven movies.
Thanks for the info on the giant mouse droid!  I had never heard of it before.
I was watching Empire Strikes Back last night, and noticed the droid was present when Vader returns to the super star destroyer after leaving Cloud City:
Looks like this scene is only present in the special edition
Very cool! I've never seen this shot before. It amazes me that we can still find new stuff in films that we've watched 57 times

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