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Kresty's Starship
After coming up with the pattern we liked, we discovered that Ikea doesn't make these doors 10" tall for the Besta system, only drawers.  So we had to drill our own holes.  (Belatedly I learned that it may be because the screw holes would conflict with the drawer mounts.  That or the torque on the hinges is pretty high for long term reliability with them so close).

Not having the right tools for the job, but having a Shaper Origin, we decided to use that.  We haven't really used the SO very much, though we did some work on the Toolbox Droid with it. 

A fun and useful tool, though I'm having trouble getting "perfect" alignment with it, and I need practice moving it.  Sometimes it slips too fast for it to correct.  Perhaps I'm cutting at the wrong speed or something.

I also learned, after triple checking, that if you use a 1/4" router bit but tell it that it's an 1/8" router bit your hole will be too big!  Fortunately we were smart enough to use a test board.  Though somehow I wasn't smart enough to realize, checking 3x, that 0.125" wasn't the 1/4" I was looking for.  (I really thought I checked, I have no clue what I did wrong.)  After fixing that though, the holes were pretty much perfect!

Only minor issue is that a couple of the old drawer mount points collided near the screw mount points, so I'll probably have to fill and drill two of those on one of the doors.

I also probably should've put the bottom hinge in the slightly lower position, but I was following the top/bottom spacing of the other Ikea door.  That'd have helped the torque problem a little.  We'll probably fit something in the middle for the doors to rest on when close to keep them from overly stressing themselves.
I've always wanted to build a Lego Enterprise, and the thought popped up again recently.  I also stumbled across this, so I figured that it would work for reference.  It'd be a great addition to the TV room.

[Image: normal_Enterprise_Model_28229.jpg]

That is, if we ever complete enough other projects to be able to work on this one... it's been a long while since I've worked on a "real" model, so I'm a little nervous about how well we'll do.

[Image: normal_Enterprise_Model_28129.jpg]

As mentioned, we need to finish some of the other droids (and maybe more of the TV room) before we have space to work on this.  But I took a quick look at the instructions to get a preview of how much work it'll be.

Right away in step one they ask you to make a decision to work around the production's continuity errors.  This is the bridge.  The decision point is the Bridge Turbolift:  Do you want the lift doors to align with the bump on the exterior?  Or do you want the viewscreen to face the bow of the ship?  Smile
Huh. I wouldn't have thought you could see that choice from the outside.
Looks like fun, though. Smile
(06-14-2020, 01:43 PM)savagecreature Wrote: Huh.  I wouldn't have thought you could see that choice from the outside.
Looks like fun, though. Smile
The bridge is round with a smaller round bump on the aft of it - apparently the turbolift shaft top.  So the turbolift bump is always aft of the bridge in the exterior picture.

A quick web search found this diagram.  The turbolift bump on the right is the aft of the ship, so this diagram has the offset viewscreen:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=394]

I read somewhere that there was a production reason for the offset, that it'd originally been intended to be in the rear, but for camera angles or space on the soundstage or something it ended up being offset. (Having trouble finding the reference now).

Apparently in the cage/menagerie it is shown with the viewscreen "straight" (which means they couldn't leave the bridge as there's no turbolift).... I didn't remember that it's been shown anywhere.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Quick picture, working on the display stands for BB-8 & L3-G0. Wanted that star wars light pattern thingy. I think it's working out.

Now I have to convert them to a 2D PDF so I can route them out with the Shaper Origin.
See, what I'm thinking (hoping) is that we'll be able to travel again right about the time you're finishing this up, so I can some see it in person, in all it's sci fi glory. Smile
(06-22-2020, 08:49 AM)savagecreature Wrote: See, what I'm thinking (hoping) is that we'll be able to travel again right about the time you're finishing this up, so I can some see it in person, in all it's sci fi glory. Smile

The stir crazy is driving me nuts. 

I'm going to have to set a higher bar if you're going to come look at it Smile  Though given how long the invite's been open, I probably have a while ;-)

(The guest bed used to be in the room, but now it's in the room behind, so at least that's convenient.)

I had been thinking of saying "hi" on the way down to Celebration again, but now I guess that'll be a little longer. I guess you have 2 years Smile
I didn't get as much done this weekend as I expected.  We have to cut outside and it was raining all day.  Either that or I was too lazy doing other stuff.  We did manage to get the wood cut last night though!  (Our neighbors may not have been terribly pleased).  

First time doing a big project with the Shaper Origin.  I may have been pushing/rushing it too much &/or otherwise not having much experience with that router, or any router for that matter.  Some of the edges ended up a bit rougher than I'd've liked.  Hopefully not too bad though.

[Image: normal_Cutting_BB-8_Stand_28129.png]

The pattern it left behind on the spoil board was pretty cool too:

[Image: normal_Cutting_BB-8_Stand_28129.jpg]

We ended up with a pile of parts.

[Image: normal_Cutting_BB-8_Stand_28229.jpg]

It was getting late, but I was curious if the parts were close, so I did a cursory fit test.  It's upside down since there's nothing holding it together.

[Image: normal_Cutting_BB-8_Stand_28329.jpg]

Since then I've started cutting some of the translucent panels, but we still need to clean up the boards before we can assemble the stand. The 45 degree boards need 45 degree edges.  I so happen to have a 90 degree router bit sitting on my desk, so I'll see if I can get that to work.  The edges need a tiny bit of sanding, and maybe some putty where I was a little over-aggressive with the tool, but I don't think it'll take much.
Going to move the details about the BB-8 display stand thread to
Got around to gluing/screwing all the boards together.

More on the BB-8 Display Stand thread:

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